To reach the unreached as part of pay back to society, the “Baba Saheb Ambedkar Social Equity and Empowerment Mission (ASEEM)” was constituted by a group of doctors from Rajasthan.
That the General Body of Baba Saheb Ambedkar Social Equity & Empowerment Mission [ASEEM] vide Reg. No.484/Jaipur/2016-17, met at A-117, Shri Kalyan Nagar, Kartarpura, Jaipur on September 03, 2016. After ascertaining that requisite members were present to form quorum (23/32), the President Dr. B. L. Bairwa welcomed all the members. The General Body authorized the President Dr. B. L. Bairwa, Secretary Dr. Mohan Bairwa, and the Treasurer Dr. Rajendra Jatolia to open bank account on behalf of the society and become the signatories of the account. As per the Constitution and by-laws of the Society, any two of three signatories operate the account.